When you think of boudoir photography, there's a good chance that you picture the subject of the shoot being a woman on her own. While this scenario is most common, another option is for a couple to pose together. You'll find that some boudoir photographers are open to working with couples, and this may be an appealing idea for you and your significant other to pursue. A slightly steamy photo shoot can be fun together, and you may want to hang one or more of the photos in a private area of your home. If you're moving forward with a couples' boudoir shoot, here are some things to discuss in advance.


People pose in all sorts of types of attire for boudoir photo shoots, so you and your partner will want to come up with an idea that works for you. Some people aren't open to dressing minimally for this type of photo shoot. If this idea interests you, you'll want to ensure that you're both comfortable. There are lots of attire options that you can pursue. For example, you might both wish to be in some type of undergarment, or maybe you feel that having one person in their underwear and the other person dressed more formally presents more visual interest.


It's important to discuss the boundaries that you want in place for your boudoir photo shoot. The idea of posing in a somewhat steamy manner may be appealing, but you want to ensure that both of you feel comfortable and that your photographer does, too. One boundary that you might wish to set is to have no touching. It can be fun to pose in a seductive manner in close proximity to your significant other without actually contacting them.


Think about the tone that you want your boudoir photos to have. There are a variety of options that can work well. Most couples' boudoir photos have a seductive or sultry look to them, so there's a good chance that you may wish to pursue this vibe. You may also want to incorporate elements of fun into the photo shoot. A few shots that feature you and your partner laughing may be among your favorite images from the session. Once you've identified one or more tones that you want, you'll definitely need to share this idea with the photographer. Look online to find a local boudoir photographer who works with couples.
